Partners & Friends of POI

Our Partners

Our research activities will be conducted in collaboration with our partners in Pakistan:

The Citizens’ Archive of Pakistan
The Imkaan Welfare Organization
Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture
The Pakistan institute of Labour and Research

Our Friends

Friends of POI

Amani Noor
Amani Noor is a visual artist and illustrator based in Pakistan and Scotland who acts as an arts-based advisor to the project. In her own work, Amani uses imagery and text to capture people's stories accounts, and memories.
Ahsan Javaid
Ahsan Javaid is a visual artist based in Pakistan who acts as an arts-based advisor to the project and will co-run arts-based workshops with young people. He has worked closely with the Pakistani Bengali community in the past co-creating work around identity and belonging.
Nabiha Rehan
Nabiha Rehan is an independent filmmaker who likes to explore themes related to the complexity of human thought and emotion. Her work follows a naturalistic style and aims to give a new perspective on topics that are uncommon.
Abdullah Khan
Abdullah Khan is an independent filmmaker whose work deals with exploring unconventional topics and creating an impact for viewers. His area of study since the past 2 years has been about the psychological impact of cinematography.

The POI Study

The Partition of Identity (POI) project examines the Bengali community in Pakistan. Estimates suggest that there are between 2.8 – 3 million members of this group living in Pakistan, but in reality, the numbers are likely to be much higher.

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  • Week Days: 09.00 to 18.00 Sunday: Closed